Fall in Love with the Process

I have a goal.
I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I visualize the destination.
Sometimes I reach my goal in a day. Sometimes in a week, month or year. But then there are those goals, dreams, desires that take several years or even decades.
How do I maintain hope and how do I persevere without losing heart?
Over the summer I came across a nugget of wisdom that empowered me to move right along my path no matter how long it takes to reach my destination and no matter how many obstacles try to block my path. A simple truth:
Fall in love with the process.
Last month, my family’s season of living together transitioned into every one of my adult kids and me moving into new homes. In a matter of a few weeks we were on new paths with fresh dreams living in three different states. Something different for all of us.
There was a lot of planning, packing, cleaning and financial investment and a little bit of fun thrown in. As we intentionally prepared for this big change, I remembered to fall in love with the process.
I began to pause and savor the moments of slight chaos, laugh at all of us trying to work from home with virtual meetings, show the house, take care of pets, see friends and pack.
I noticed the ways each of us were growing and preparing to embrace our next season. I called out the positive in each one of my kids and I wrote down affirmations for myself each day.
During our family dinners, we reminisced about our journey together and all we have been through, the obstacles we have faced and the breakthroughs. We didn’t have to figure it all out, we could lean in on one another with our faith giving us confident trust. In the process, we were taken care of.
I noticed a slow rise of positive emotion and a settled security in myself. All was well with my soul.
The process became my pathway to experience joy, develop stamina and peace.
I did not want to overlook this process for each of my kids as well, they were walking their own path and I wanted to validate that process and reward their efforts with a mindset of empowering them.
So often, in our reward driven society, the younger generation is celebrated only for accomplishments and outcomes that often deliver ongoing pressure and stress to their minds and souls. This can wear on them over the years and cause discouragement to their hearts.
The home can be their safe place of celebration for the process. And maybe one day, they will fall in love with the process too.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.
Proverbs 3:5