Stay Home

As a young girl, waking up to a winter snow storm meant a day off school. A day at home.
My sister’s and I loved to just play and freely enjoy the day building snowmen and having snowball fights and drinking hot chocolate.
As a teenager, I spent less time at home, my focus being socializing and “going out.”
If I got in trouble with my parents, my consequences included being grounded, Staying home. This wasn’t quite as fun as the snow days.
And now, as an adult, my home is my haven.
“Stay home!”
Although puzzled by the circumstances, I listened.
After I listened and stayed home, peace filled my heart and I was astonished at the revelation of what I really needed.
Time to connect with me.
Creative outlets.
I realized the toll driving all day has on my body and mind.
I let go of expectations of the season and enjoyed the present moment.
I took a nap. I made homemade cookies and worked on my writing projects and tied up loose ends with my work.
It was time to pause and be grateful for my home and the bountiful provisions in my life.
It was a refreshing revelation in the midst of a busy season.
I contemplated the events of the day and my heart and soul reconnected with the feelings of excitement and joy I experienced as young girl being surprised with a snow day and elated to stay home!
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. Isaiah 32:18