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Let's Reinvent Ourselves

My new book contains a chapter called: “Let’s Reinvent Ourselves”.

I share the journey of my tribe of five, plus dog and cat, creating a new root system in a new city, new friends, all was new.

It was an opportunity to reinvent our family system and our individual identities. I was now a single mom, owned my own business, and no one knew me in Austin. The kids were 13 years old, going into high school, all their social circles left behind.

How did I want to be known? What did I want to display to the world now? I felt free and joyful, yet I was still in the process of healing from the wounds of the past. The process of stepping out into a new world provided the “balm” for my heart and soul to heal. And so we did. We created a life, a full and robust life.

That was phase one of the reinvention process. Eight years ago.

I am keenly aware now I am in phase two of the reinvention process. As life circumstances present me with challenges that appear insurmountable, I take a good look at myself and ask:

“WHO do I want to be now? How do I develop my relationship to myself? What is my dream? Why am I doing what I am doing?”

As this process began, I received this text message from my daughter:

“ I was listening to a comedian and she just said: ‘There is nobody stronger when a woman who has been broken, rebuilds herself.’ I thought you needed to hear that. "

Her message was a divine word to me. I realized I am living my legacy so I can LEAVE a legacy, to show the capability, resiliency and vulnerability of rebuilding, reinventing, embracing all of life. The reinvention presents itself as I am ready to receive it.

It is a message of hope. My lifelong theme.

Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

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