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Have A Joy Day!

Slow down. Take a deep breath and savor the summer.

This is my mantra for our summer season.

My sister sent me this wish via email last May; “Have a joy day!”

It was embedded in my heart from that moment and added to my seasonal mantra.

So, how do I have a joy day, what does it look like and where does joy reside in me?

Then joy presented itself.

I woke up to a breathtaking sunrise. Unplanned. The joy of AWE.

I smiled at a stranger and she smiled back. I saw joy.

I lingered with a morning all to myself for reading and writing. Inner peace coupled with joy.

I listened to a book during a three hour drive. Joy of learning.

I met people from China, Australia, Canada and neighboring Texas cities at a Positive Education conference. Joy of relationships.

I went kayaking with my loved ones on my birthday. (my favorite). Joy of celebration.

I closed my eyes to listen to worship music. Spiritual joy.

Each experience splashed my life with joy and I began to notice and feel a well filling up within me. A place deep inside my heart and soul, encased in contentment and peace, always available to refresh me and splash on other thirsty hearts.

My personal prayer: Joy is all around me. Open my eyes to see it. Cause my ears to hear it, enable me to speak it, and open my arms to embrace it.

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

John 15:11

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