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Curve Balls

I grew up watching and playing sports. I have many fond memories of watching football on Sundays and going to outdoor baseball games.

I learned that when a pitcher wanted to challenge a batter, he or she would throw a curve ball. I was never the pitcher. I was a left-handed batter and most often afraid of the ball! I also realized there are many kinds of curve balls and the professionals know and train for meeting the “curve ball” challenge by hitting a home run. Of course, the batter does not want to let the team down and strike out. And in the midst of all this, the game is supposed to be FUN.

What happens when life throws us curve balls? How do we train for them? For the past month, I have been in the midst of a “curve ball” challenge.

It has been one life challenge after another. I have had relational challenges, financial and work changes, transition with my three young adults graduating from college in May, and I moved to a new home.

After the first curve ball, I just took a breath and refocused on “life”. But after the third and fourth curve ball, I began to feel weary, discouraged and fearful, desperately trying to hit the “ball” out of the park and not let my “team” down.

This is when I called a “time out”. I enlisted prayer support, practiced my basic mindfulness exercises, being present, in the moment, aware of my senses and thankful for any small accomplishment. I rested more, let go of expectations of myself and shed many tears. I reconnected with my WHY and realized the focus of my life will shift at times and I can meet the challenge. I don’t have to be afraid of striking out.

New opportunities for healing came.

I allowed God to infuse me with what I needed to face each day.

Curve balls are part of the “game of life”. I need my team. I need to know when to call a time out. Then, I can jump back in, smack the ball and have some fun!

In everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 1:3

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