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Amplify Gratitude

Amplify Gratitude

This past weekend I had the opportunity to share my passion for building well-being. We hosted a retreat through Flourish Weekends for five lovely mother-daughter pairs. It was an experience I will hold near to me for a long time. Seeing each of them navigate the gratitude activities and instantly grow closer to one another was beautiful.

I focused our efforts on a little something I like to call Gratitude. Only, it really is not little at all. Being grateful is something we face daily, but something we aren’t always present for. How many times has someone complimented you and your response was to compliment them back, or deflect the compliment all together?

When we stop those words from soaking in, we are not allowing their thoughts be heard. Allowing someone else to be grateful for you brings happiness to both parties.

Just like I did for the women at our retreat, I would like to challenge you each to write down three things you are grateful for each day. Make it simple, be consistent and notice the details in life.

See how this changes your mindset over time. See all the new things you have to be grateful for, or the things you already had and now notice more!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

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