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I Matter

I am saying those two words out loud everyday now and when I do, I feel empowered and focused on my mission to help others live vibrant and flourishing lives.

It was during a conversation with a friend that this shift came. I was explaining to her how I wake each day and the answer to my “why” I do what I do is that other people matter. I love serving my friends, family and clients. She listened and turned to me and said, “And do you matter?”

I could not stop thinking about her question and my honest answer. I began to do some soul searching and evaluating my attitude toward myself. Am I listening to my heart when it says, “rest”. How many critical thoughts am I entertaining each day? The kind of thoughts I would never speak to a friend or loved one. Why am I constantly raising the bar of expectation?

I noticed one consistent thing. Every time I said “I matter”, I felt joy and I felt grounded. Every time! I felt my pace slow down and I felt connected to myself in a new way. I noticed myself. Energy flooded my soul and I was propelled forward in my daily work and interactions.

The most painful times in my life were experiences where I felt invisible. It is likely that I developed an “over serving” attitude that undermined my self-compassion and self-care.

It is a beautiful gift to serve others and live a life that matters. The anchor to this is the truth of my value, my identity in God, and an unshakeable belief that “I matter”.

Now, I can truly live a vibrant and flourishing life!

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Psalm 139: 14

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