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Welcome to 2018??

I visualized this: I wake up tomorrow morning and it is 2018. What am I doing? What do I see? How do I feel? What has happened in 2017? Did I live out my intentions? What do I acknowledge myself for?

This is the next exercise in my goal meeting process or the designing of my life this new year. After visualizing, I write, describe or draw what I see and let it lead me in developing my intentions and design for this year. I am clear now on what I don’t want and what I want more of.

Next, I continue the tradition (year 9) with my loved ones to write our “one word” for the new year. I looked back on the blog I wrote last year and reviewed my 2016 word “FLOURISH”. It was a refreshing moment. We think of a word to imprint on our mind and heart that will prompt us to move forward with intention and motivation. Half way through the year, we review our word and the intentions we outline and we encourage one another to stay true to our paths.

My word for 2017 is JOY. It is time to embrace it without reservation and distrust. It is time to share joy through my work, personal life and spiritual life.

The word JOY led me to outline my design for 2017. Personally, I outlined a budget and savings plan, a fitness, meal and soul-rest plan. Professionally, I outlined a business development plan with new adventures to usher me out of my comfort zone and share my message to motivate positive change in the world, making lives matter. Spiritually, I outlined a path to grow and stay connected to the anchor of my soul.

Even though my 2017 design came slightly later than most, the exercises and process prepared me to fully develop my design and proceed ahead with JOY!

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace…Isaiah 55:12

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