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Permission To Be Human

Sometimes I struggle with holding myself to unattainable standards of living. When I make mistakes or flounder in life, I tend to reassess, analyze and make a plan for improvement. I often go to the deep layers of my heart and try to “see” where the behavior or reactions originate, painfully treating the source. I believe in facing the truth rather than living in denial, but I can tend to slip into striving which results in tension and pressure, performance driven living.

Then, I heard this statement, “Permission to be human.” I fell completely silent. I felt a breath go into my body. I felt release. It was at this time when I came face to face with grace and the permission to accept myself, flaws and all, in the moment. The key being: “in the moment”. It is not an excuse for past grievances, or an “out” for future irresponsibility. It is an unconditional, loving response to a person for being who they are right now.

My Positive Psychology teacher demonstrated how powerful this response can be as throughout the year she would say it in real life moments. I could see the reaction of the person receiving the response and it was 100% positive. It was like they received a gift. There was no residue of judgment or backlash. I also noticed an uplifting energetic movement forward to keep going, without hesitation or intense evaluation: staying in the flow of life.

Since that time, I have been using this response with my children, friends, family and myself. Every time, I see and feel that “sigh” of relief, that smile, the silent calm, and a new resolve to be authentic and just keep going forward.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God.

Ephesians 2:8


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