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Authentic Living

Authenticity is my fuel for living an energetic life. I realized this last week that the amount of energy I have to live life each day is related to how authentic I am. Some days I felt like I was dragging, barely making it through the day, with low positivity and motivation. There was no evidence of an outward challenge or obstacle, in fact, life was peaceful and balanced- on the outside.

After hearing a talk on forgiveness and then reading a book that spoke of forgiveness and a flourishing life, I asked myself; “Am I “really” being honest with myself and others, are there pockets of unforgiveness, grudges or hard feelings toward others or myself, am I speaking harshly to myself, saying things to myself I would never say to a friend?” I could not go on any longer with the “dragging” feelings and unmotivated way of life, so I set time aside to be authentic to myself and listen to God. I faced unforgiveness toward myself, others and let go of the small, insignificant, and hurtful events that did not matter in the big scheme of life. I honestly didn’t know if this was causing my drastic drop in energy, but I experienced an immediate change in my body and soul.

I was plugged back into the power source, uplifted and reconnected with myself. It amazed me to think I could have pretended to be connected and pushed through life and no one would really know. It would have been a silent prison. I had to extend grace and also receive grace. This gave me a new definition of what is means to be authentic, real, true to myself. The ability to be true to others comes from the place of being true to myself.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.

Philippians 4:8


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