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Gifts of Love

A powerful quote came to me over two years ago from my mom. I am blessed to be able to process and share my experiences, struggles and dreams with her. She has a deep well of wisdom intermixed with compassion, understanding and inspiration. One of her most powerful tools in relationships is her listening ear and her responses that challenge my paradigms. She told me:

“God is our source of love all others are gifts of love.”

I have never forgotten this. It keeps coming back to my mind and heart during seasons where I question the path of love. I remind myself that my own expectations of others in relationships can shift them to be my source of love and not a gift of love. I desire to receive gifts of love as a blessing without the need to fix or change them. Then, I can appreciate the gifts and be continuously thankful for the beauty they bring to my life. My heart is full whether the gift stays or is taken away. This puts me in a secure place where love always remains, I am not tossed back and forth, but anchored to the author of love, perfect and unconditional love.

My well of love is forever filled and anchored to the true Source. All the years filled with friends, family, neighbors, and loved ones have been gifts to add spice and flavor to my well of love and help me grow. I can live with an open heart and let love flow out to others without strings attached. I am committed to passing down this legacy of love to next generation so they can be anchored to the Source of love and blessed by gifts of love.

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

Jeremiah 31:3

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