The Well
I have been reminded over the past weeks of one of my favorite quotes: “We must drink as we pour”. It is reinforced through my book studies and small groups as we discuss the concepts of being able to drink living water and to come to the well to quench our thirst. A thirst that is constant and universal. This overall theme keeps passing in front of me, until finally, I realized I needed a shift in my mindset and stopped to take time to “drink” and refill my “well”.
As I reflected on my rhythm of life over the past few months, I noticed I was becoming a bit more detached and a bit more sensitive and sometimes on the verge of tears. I felt an overall sense of fatigue and low motivation and had to “try” to feel joy. I know these are my personal red flags to stop take a look at my “well” and spend some time refilling it. I realized I love to give out the water from my well to my children, family, clients, friends, job and outreach organizations. Then it hit me, if I invite them to my well to refresh themselves, I need to have it filled up and ready to share, bubbling over and inviting. My well was almost dry.
I enlisted support from a mentor life coach and began to schedule DT: down time. One hour a day, she said it is 1/24 of the day to replenish, plug into the power socket and fill up the well. At first I had to write it down in my planner and set up accountability to actually do it. Now, it is a regular part of my day, a time to ask myself what I need or want for that hour and follow through. I am back into a rhythm of living life with more peace, emotional connection and my greatest gifts: joy and gratitude as I share my life with others.
Let anyone who is thirsty, come to me and drink.
John 7:37