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Walls of Self-Protection

I drove slowly past our custom built home in New Mexico where we raised our children. I was anticipating the nostalgia of our beautiful courtyard and water fountain and sprawling front lawn with mature cactus and foliage.

I came face to face with a huge wall. The new owners had constructed a new fence over 8 feet tall surrounding the entire property. I imagine they wanted to create an extremely private space and keep out any potential threats to their safety, even though the home was safely tucked at the end of the cul-de-sac along the river.

This visit was over a year ago.

As the new year marches on and I continue to navigate life, the “wall” came to mind. I have constructed several walls around my heart. Some are in order to allow healing after a painful experience or time of transition. I do believe I have natural and healthy fences or boundaries in my life that contribute to my well-being. But, some are extra walls to self-protect, motivated by a deep level of fear and insecurity or a mistrust in myself. I think these walls will keep me safe.

I have developed a new perspective now, as my mind recalls the drive to our New Mexico home. The wall may protect the bad or danger, but it also prevents beauty and good to be seen and experienced.

I choose to allow joy and energy to heal, a developed new trust in myself and deeper faith to remove the walls of self-protection and enjoy the freedom and adventure of life. This allows my gifts to grow, and I can walk in purpose. Interestingly enough, the more I allow myself to receive, the easy it is to remove the “walls”. It is a risk worth taking.

Then my life can be an open invitation for others to truly see and share.

Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance. Ephesians 1:18


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