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Dare to Be Brave

A couple of weeks ago, I participated in a Strengths Challenge.

The VIA Strengths Survey is one of the tools I use in my Flourishing Skills Groups and my coaching practice. It documents our 25 character strengths.

It is unique in the way it defines our strengths and ushers in new levels of self-awareness.

For one week, I chose one strength to develop and strengthen.

My Strength is:


My Cue:

When I walk into my office

My Routine:

Spend 10 minutes doing one thing that scares me slightly in my business.

My Reward:

Write it on my BRAVE list in my NSNV journal.

Bravery is my number 5 strength. The top 5 are considered the signature strengths. I wanted to do specific actions that helped me be brave in my New Season New Vision business.

The first two days were more of a challenge as my bravery addressed the fear head on. I noticed the 10 minutes turned into 20-30 and I found myself empowered to keep working on my new projects. Positive emotion followed the action and overflowed to other areas in my life.

By the end of the challenge, I had a new product to market in my business and was excited about it. I was able to make calls and connect with businesses, even though the entire project was not complete.

I trusted the process and realized I am brave. More now, than ever!

Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for the Lord you God goes with you. Deuteronomy 31:6


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